Restore Health Plan
Inspired by
Dr. Fuad Lechin (Venezuela), Dr. Jay Goldstein (USA) and Dr. Alessandro Perra (Italy).
Searching for relief of your health problems?
We can provide a pathway for relief of health problems which can be many and varied.
Restore Health Plan offers the opportunity of assessments of health regulators in urine sample for the betterment of health.
For simplicity urine kits are sent to your home, where the sample can be provided in comfort.
From these assessments a Restore Health Plan is formulated.
The pathway to sustain health can be associated with a balanced activity of health regulators
This activity is in turn driven by and maintained by the circadian rhythm,
e.g., cyclical environmental changes between light and dark and the consequential changes in our behavior from
a state of wakefulness to a state of sleep.
Assessment of Health Regulators Through Urine Analysis is
the most advanced evaluation of health regulators in the world.
The purpose of this test is to :-
Assess the capability of the nervous system, with the brain as the centre, to cope with a flow of signals /stimuli various in nature (both from within the body and the environment) which is essential for maintaining the circadian rhythm which is essential for health and the prevention of maladaptation/pathological adaptation to everyday stimuli (regular and unexpected).
Fatigue, depression, anxiety, diffused pain, cognitive dysfunction, including poor memory, lack of sleep, gut or
cardio-vascular dysfunction, swollen legs, tumour presence etc.
Whatever your health problems may be they develop, progress and are maintained due to imbalances in health
regulators and subsequent distortions in their activity and interactions.
These health regulators, mainly comprised of natural neurochemicals are an essential factor in our resistance to chronic disease and in the maintenance of health for the avoidance of the development of chronic disease.
Our health mainly depends on flexible interactions between the nervous, hormonal & immune systems. These flexible interactions are based on the plasticity of the brain’s processes.
If interactions between these three systems become less flexible, or rigid, for some reason, then there is a risk of imminent disease development. This happens because widely distributed networks use parallel computational strategy.
Our assessments of health regulators, through urine analysis are able to cast a light on the interactions between the nervous, hormonal and immune systems and link this with health problems which can be addressed by appropriate treatment/correction.
Established in 1997
Founders : the late Mr. David N. Taylor and Dr. Olga Taylor-Galkina
For over 25 years Dr. Olga Taylor Galkina has adapted and modified analytical methods which have been used in her research on the brain’s and immune systems activities for application in testing for chemical traces of the health regulators activities in urine.
Modern Laboratory
The laboratory has modern equipment which provides accurate diagnostics and allows for the formulation of effective treatments where possible.
Tens of thousands of patient urine samples have been tested with various
diseases. Students and young apprentices were regularly trained on basic and advanced chemical analysis
techniques. The core of the health regulators assessment is produced from High Performance Liquid
Chromatography with a very sensitive diode detector and special software.
ISO 9001 Accredited
Consultancy & Correction Plans
Once an assessment of the natural capability of an individual to maintain their health has been established, a correction programme is offered for restoring imbalances in health regulators which may have occurred.
The suggested correction programme consists of:-
Ultra-Low dose medications
Homeopathic remedies
Natural Supplements
Recommendations in the use of appropriate medical devices

The director responsible for the day to day functioning of the laboratory is Dr. O. V. Galkina-Taylor who was honoured in 2006 by being included in “Global Register’s Who’s Who In Executive And Professionals”. Her speciality is Neuro-Immuno-Endocrinological Research.
For her research on the brain’s activities she was also honoured by both the Soros Foundation and the New York Academy of Science.
As well as her work, her passions are art and poetry.
See ‘About Us’ page for a list of doctors and practitioners who, over the years by using our tests, aided in the development of our pioneering assessment of health regulators.

Uriel Most Blessed – by Linda E Sale

Flash of Love – by Irina Miro
I think it is so, and enter mystery:
Why being is and nothing is not so;
How from the smallest something wills something grow-
And then I know the conscience of the sky
And for it all, I am not lost,
not lost at all.
Taken from Not Lost, a collection of poetry by James Sale
“Treating neurosomatic disorders seems to be a matter of pushing the right neurochemical button”
(Dr. J. Goldstein, “Betrayal by the Brain”)
How It Works
Initial Stage
Casts a scientific light on illness and provides a means of correction.
- We scrutinize the clinical history and/or pathological symptoms presented by a patient. This is then added to the patient’s file together with any information, relevant to the disease/pathological symptoms, from published scientific articles. This information assists us in the interpretation and analysis of disease from the results of testing through the following :-
- Testing of urine samples, with the purpose of obtaining the profiles of neurochemicals (e.g., neurotransmitters, neurotoxins, etc.,), peptides and hormones which we have classified as Health Regulators.
- Abnormal deviations of the measured parameters detected are further investigated through screening of scientific articles to clarify the role of these parameters in disease appearance, progression, or its stabilisation and regression.
- The deviated parameters (whose role in disease pathology has been published in scientific articles) are then considered as targets to formulate the practical guidance/recommendations for the stabilisation or regression of disease.
- Formulated recommendations take into account many factors, such as, fluctuations of the targeted parameters over a 24-hour period and the interactions between the nervous, immune and hormonal systems. The duration of a therapeutical programme can vary from 4-weeks to 12-weeks.
- A report containing the results of the tests, their interpretation and practical recommendations is issued and sent to the client. The report is usually issued 1.5 – 2.5 weeks after receipt of the samples.
- At the request of a patient an explanation of the report’s contents can be arranged via E-mail (free of charge) or Zoom/Skype etc., (for which there is a small charge).
Practical recommendations are based on the usage of ultra-low dose bio-regulatory medicine and also some natural supplements, special breathing techniques and other measures. Everything used or mentioned in the practical recommendations is proven and has published supportive evidence.
Follow-Up Stage
- During the course of corrective therapy, the effects of the programme are monitored (with the agreement of the client).
- Feedback from the client and some basic urine tests allow for adjustments or modifications to be made to the programme as necessary.
Maintenance Stage
- After completion of the programme (original or modified) it is recommended that the client submits final feedback including answers to our questions that relate to the effects of the treatment.
- Follow-up testing, which depends on the feedback provided, may be offered (at a discount) if further investigation is necessary or general recommendations are suggested to maintain the positive effects of the programme on health.
It is beneficial to send us additional information, e.g., the results of any testing, scans and recommendations obtained elsewhere.
Choose Package
Contact us to purchase the package and we will send home sample collection kit in post.

You will receive an email to complete and return a short health questionnaire.

Post Sample
Post the sample to the lab for analysis together with the requisition form provided duly completed using the return packaging provided.

Receive your results with interpretation and therapeutical guidance.
E:mail / Zoom / Tel consultation
"...The research by Dr. Olga Galkina has highlighted new insights by using specific measured changes in neurotransmitters...."
"... I have worked with Dr. Galkina for some years. I can say that, without question, she is one of the most brilliant biochemists I have ever worked with..."
"Dr. Olga Galkina is an outstanding practical scientist forever pushing her scientific boundaries and knowledge, and that of others! Gifted with that rarest of qualities often missing: curiosity, but always based on decent research. Her ideas have caused me late nights of researching, but it always pays off. Her work is an inspiration, and if you lack the time, she’s done the work for you."
What Patients Say
"Your expertise and skill in neuro-chemical analysis which far surpass the knowledge of consultants and GPs who I know continues to fascinate me and I am very privaleged to have had your support from this for my mental health. You are truly a very kind and intelligent medical professional who has shown me considerable kindness and I am forever grateful to you for this. I wish you well in all your endevours and very much hope that you and the Galkina Laboratory would continue to flourish, prosper and reach the greatest heights of success in all you do."
"I have now taken the remedies for 28 days. I still have a bottle of the Guna Lymph which I assume I need to finish. Generally feel a lot better and energy levels better. The right ankle and shin still has inflammation but is no longer swollen. The left ankle and shin is still swollen though not as much as before taking the remedies, I can now get my shoes on. Many thanks for your help. "
"Sleep is now good. General energy good but about once a week- energy low. No gout episode or threatening since last contact."
"I have just got back from the hospital and have been given my results of the latest CT Scan from the Consultant. I'm thrilled and delighted to say that there is no change at all from the previous scan. He feels that the nodules have currently slowed right down to a stop. Goodness that felt amazing to hear. I’m feeling elated and beyond thankful. Thank you, thank you, and thank you for all your guidance. Today I feel very fortunate indeed. So, now, we double down and stay focussed! Thank you so much too for your E-mail and the update relating to my bowel. It would be life changing if we could also create positive change there too. Thanks so much again. I know I have said thank you a lot but it’s all I am thinking!"
"Overall. I am sleeping 100% better."
"Please let her know that I felt much better on the supplements she suggested. An alternative practitioner told me my breast cancer stem cells were 850-900 million and have gone down to 30-35 million on the new supplements and frequent saunas (started in February)."
"He is now ending the 3rd week on the programme and has had an excellent response. In fact a message form his teacher to his parents said that she had never seen him so good, so focused and well-behaved."
"I am pleased to report that the medication recommended for my ailments have made a huge difference. Just after one week of taking them, I noticed a remarkable difference in being better able to cope with the day-to-day activities. I now no longer am hypersensitive to feeling the need to think/plan too far ahead for ordinary things. Sleep is much better, rarely wake in the night, wake up bright and much earlier too. My digestive system is totally improved too, from start to end! Thank you very much."
Our Diagnostic Plans

Health Regulators Analysis
Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography with extremely sensitive diode detector and special software.
The purpose of this test is to assess the capability of the nervous system, with the brain as the centre, to cope with a constant flow of signals /stimuli of various natures (both from within the body and the environment) which is essential for health. Food, drink, heat, cold, noise, psychological and social pressure, injury, infections, landscape, books, medications etc., create a huge flow of informative signals to the nervous system.
A good coping ability means that the brain is selecting the right signals at the right time from an enormous pool of everyday information of environmental stimuli. The correct choice of information allows the brain to send effective instructions, to itself and the body on how to respond, in the most beneficial way to sustain the best mental, emotional and physical health. Another characteristic of a good coping ability of the nervous system, is its capacity to orchestrate adaptation to new signals/stimuli and maintain the circadian rhythm.
Maladaptation can be associated with ongoing or persistent “flight” reactions as the first stage of disease development. The “flight” reaction becomes dominant over the “fight” reaction leading to disruption of the circadian rhythm. Further progression of maladaptation is often followed by the manifestation of chronic mild depression and an irritable mood accompanied by other behavioral changes and distortion of the circadian rhythm.
All processes in the body are governed by an internal clock, regulated by hormones, whilst the secretion of the hormones is regulated by the neurotransmitters of the nervous system, e.g., the central clock.
as to the specific activities of the brain
as to the specific activities of the hormonal and peripheral nervous systems
as to the specific activities of any cells
A lack / deficiency or excess of some neurotransmitters will affect the hormonal system leading to a disruption of a normal circadian rhythm.
A disrupted circadian rhythm is associated with disruption of the metabolism and immunological balance, which in turn can lead to a loss or gain of weight, cardio-vascular problems, diabetes, sleep problems, premature ageing and various other clinical disorders.
This can also lead to a decrease in the ability of the nervous system to deal effectively and efficiently with any stress factors (infection, cold or hot weather, demands of family /job and changes in everyday routines etc.,) also tumour growth.
This test requires 2 urine samples (morning after waking & evening between 8pm and 11pm
(Urine sample containers should be leak-proof and sterile (no additives) with a capacity of 20ml)
Parameters Measured
Principle Neurotransmitters
Acetylcholine, adenosine, adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine, serotonin, GABA, aspartic acid and glutamic acid.
These neurochemicals provide normal brain regulation of the hormonal, immunological, cardio-vascular, respiratory and digestive systems etc, in the body.
Generally, mental and physical health is regulated and maintained by the principle neurotransmitters directly or indirectly.
Trace Neurochemicals
Phenylethylamine, tyramine, tryptamine and octopamine,
they are the derivatives of dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin.
These neurochemicals play an essential role in the progression of neuro-psychiatric disorders, such as depression, schizophrenia, Attention Deficit Hyper-activity Disorder (ADHD), Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Reye syndrome, Tourette’s syndrome, epilepsy and migraines.
Neurological disruptors
Homocysteine, quinolinic acid, kynurenic acid, salsoline/salsolinol, tetra-hydropapaverine, toluene, etc.
These metabolites are derivatives of some neurotransmitters and environmental toxins. They are able to disrupt the normal functioning of the brain followed by its dis-regulation of bodily systems (see principle neurotransmitters above) and development of various abnormal symptoms and disorders.
Neuropeptide-Y, bradykinin, somatostatin, oxytocin, vasopressin, enkephaline, etc.
These neurochemicals profoundly influence the processes in the brain and the body. Blood pressure, gut acidity, perception of pain, breathing, inflammation, selection of information, attention, bonding and also tumour growth.
Cortisol, cortisone, DHEA, androgens, oestrogens and melatonin, etc.
These chemicals co-ordinate various functions in the body.
Creatinine, Leukocytes, Nitrites, Glucose etc
These parameters provide information related to inflammation and the generation of energy/metabolism.
The report includes a scientifically based interpretation in an understandable format with therapeutical guidance.
Packages Offered
Basic Assessment of Health Regulators
Comprehensive Assessment of Health Regulators
This includes a results report with basic interpretation and general therapeutical guidance.
In addition, up to 3 E-mails for your questions regarding the findings in the report and therapeutical guidance.
This includes the results report with a comprehensive interpretation and personalised correction plan.
It also include up to 6 E-mails, for your questions regarding the findings in the report and therapeutical guidance. A consultation on Zoom is also included.

Frequently Asked Questions
Once we have received confirmation of purchase the sample kit will be sent by Royal Mail the next working day therefore you should receive within 2 to 3 days.
The Neuro-Analysis package kit will consist of 2 20ml leak-proof and sterile urine sample containers.
All packages will include instructions on how to collect your samples and a return packaging.
As soon as our lab has received your sample(s) we will send you a confirmation email.
If you haven’t received an email from restorehealthplan.com then please check your email SPAM or JUNK folder as our email may have gone into this area.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have not received an email. Our support team will check the status of your order.
As soon as our lab has received your sample(s) and you have received a confirmation email, we aim to provide your results within 14 days of you receiving this email.
Yes, this is part of our service.