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Dr Galkina-Taylor established her lab in 1997 and in this time developed an analytical method which has been used in her research on the brain’s activities for application in testing for chemical traces of the brain’s activities in urine.
Dr. Galkina-Taylor was honoured in 2006 by being included in “Global Register’s Who’s Who In Executive And Professionals”. Her speciality is Neuro-Immuno-Endocrinological Research.
Below is a list of doctors and practitioners who, over the years by using our tests, aided in the development of our pioneering assessment of health regulators. We would also like to express our gratitude and appreciation to all of these professionals and particularly Dr. Julian Kenyon who was the first doctor, many years ago, to use our tests for the benefit of his many patients.
Whether you want to better manage an existing health condition, or prevent the onset of one, knowing what’s happening within your body will give clear insights to make lasting positive health changes.
The modern method of High Performance Liquid Chromatography with the extra sensitive detector and sophisticated software is used to evaluate the patterns of health regulators.
Our findings are presented in a comprehensive report which includes a scientifically based interpretation and therapeutical guidance..
Under the guidance of Dr Galkina-Taylor, our professional team are on hand ensuring rapid and reliable results.
Our Lab is ISO 9001 Accredited
Dr. Olga Galkina is an outstanding practical scientist forever pushing her scientific boundaries and knowledge, and that of others! Gifted with that rarest of qualities often missing: curiosity, but always based on decent research. Her ideas have caused me late nights of researching, but it always pays off. Her work is an inspiration, and if you lack the time, she’s done the work for you.
"...The research by Dr. Olga Galkina has highlighted new insights by using specific measured changes in neurotransmitters...."
"... I have worked with Dr. Galkina for some years. I can say that, without question, she is one of the most brilliant biochemists I have ever worked with..."